Strategic tool to navigate the uncertainties in your supply chain in an efficient manner.


In today’s volatile business environment, companies face uncertainties that can impact supply chains significantly. Understanding your risks (and opportunities) requires extensive analyses, while (boardroom) feedback is difficult to incorporate. As a result, the process of supply chain risk management is time consuming and does often not provide the required insights for effective decision making.

Together with our partner Dobilo we have developed an interactive Scenario Planning-tool ‘CRⓘSP’ which is “boardroom-friendly” and allows teams to engage with the simulation of scenarios in real-time, simplifying Scenario Planning and facilitating better (strategic) discussions and decisions.

CRⓘSP is a strategic tool to navigate the uncertainties in your supply chain in an efficient manner. It facilitates analysing the impact of potential risks and allows the user to pro-actively manage the impact of different scenarios.

It involves creating and comparing plausible scenarios to identify risks and opportunities and to quantify their potential impact. By envisioning different futures, your team can develop strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities, maintaining stability and achieving their objectives in uncertain conditions.

In partnership with Dobilo we are offering our tool as a package: we setup your version of CRⓘSP according to your specific situation and support you implementing more effective decision making for your supply chain.